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Torque motor 扭力马达 Manufacturing torque motor in China

发布者:新乡市恒通电机有限公司  发布时间:2018-04-20 浏览:1405

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Torque motor扭力马达 Manufacturing torque motor in China

    You must assemble the electric motor according to the instruction types. The shaft’s diameter of the motor must be grinded according to the standard size of allowable drror. So the customers will grind or cut processing according to the national standard difference with complete leather belts or else parts. When you assemble it, you may push the shaft lightly not use the hammer to hit it or you will demage the parts.Torque motor扭力马达应该按照其结构形式正确安装,电动机的轴伸直径出厂前已精磨至标准公差尺寸,因此要求用户所配套的皮带轮或者其他配套零件的内径尺寸一定要按照国家标准推荐的配合公差进行磨削或者铰削加工。安装时,用手推入或用榔头轻敲至轴伸台即可,严禁用锤猛击,否则将损坏电动机的零件,造成电动机不能正常工作。


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